In the Netflix show Black Mirror: Nosedive, shows a future where "Society has embraced a technology wherein everyone shares their daily activities through eye implants and mobile devices and rates their interactions with others on a scale.." in the present china has a "controversial social credit system – which ranks all of its 1.4 billion citizens on their behavior in real-time." in Netflix show the "higher rating meant more popularity." "..raise her 4.2 rating to 4.5 for a discount on a luxury apartment.." In china, "rated 'top citizens' get VIP treatment at airports, discounted loans, waived deposits on hotel and car rentals and fast-tracking to elite universities. In the show if you did something wrong.
It means that the government can better track us with this something that people are more like to want to participate in so they can get discounts and be seen as a high rated individual. i am mean people are trying to do that now through social media anyways.
I would probably just put my phone on airplane most of the time so I'm not visible.
I think this just proves that we need to brand ourselves as positive as possible. So when others see us it would be in a negative light.
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