Out of all the websites that i looked at i think Red Russak, Roxine Knee, and Devon Stank had websites that caught my eye the most. When you first click on Russak's website you see a huge animated head of, i assume, is him. To me that is very eye catching. In Knee's website she starts off with a background picture of herself with the title saying "Hi im Roxine". Then she goes on to say what she does in a short sentence. Then right up under the picture i think its pretty cool how she describes what she is doing currently right now. In Stank's website, His Logo is his initials which is what i'm personally doing as my logo. He has in big letters what he is and what he does. But what is most interesting is his background because its a video of himself which already plays as you first click his link and then you have an option the watch the full video. I can see myself picking parts For each of these three to make my own website.
Personally, i would like to build my website more Like Red Russak. I want to have my homepage be an eye catcher of who i am. Then have links for people to press on so the can get full details of my accomplishments. Then have a link to what i am currently doing like Roxine did. Then at the top right maybe have two headers for a resume or my complete about Me bio. And maybe in the future i can post a video of an interview of myself kind of like Devon Stank.